Celebrating the Upside of Down

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and we’re super excited to give special attention to some of the very special children in our care!
Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal condition, and it is said to occur in about one in 700 births. Babies with Down syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 21 (they have three instead of two). In fact, that’s how March 21st (3/21) came to be World Down Syndrome Day. Down syndrome is recognized globally because it occurs in people of all races and nationalities.
Did you know that there are three different variations of Down syndrome? Two of these variants are not as common as the usual type, but they all involve a third chromosome 21 in some way. Babies with Down syndrome are at a higher risk for certain medical conditions, and about 40% have congenital heart defects. Thankfully, treatment options for these have improved over the years.

From top left to right: Roswell, Pammy, Anders, Dan, Duke, and Yuki
Top of page: Vance
Setting statistics aside, what we’ve personally experienced in caring for countless children with Down syndrome can be encapsulated in just two simple words: Pure joy! It is our privilege to care for them and to shout their worth not just this month, but every day of the year. Our hope for them is to have lives filled with as much joy as they bring to us and to the world.
Creativity, silliness, charm, tenacity, enthusiasm, radiance, strength, kindness, resilience, and joy are just a few words that come to mind when we think of the amazing children with Down syndrome whom we know and love. They possess such a unique ability to make every day brighter and a little more special.

From top left to right: Marikit, Humphrey, Jose, and Leonora
Our hope for these precious ones is inclusion, community, and empowerment. We hope for overflowing kindness and opportunity to always be their companions. We have seen the light they bring to the world, and we hope for others to experience that light. Through challenges and hurdles, we have watched them continue to defy the odds and move mountains.
To say we are blessed by these remarkable children would be an understatement. Like every child on this earth, they are treasured and beloved. Will you join us in shouting their worth and spreading joy in their honor this month?

From top left to right: Roderick, Ansel, Amihan, Gregg, and Oswald