Our Children

The Children in Our Care

New Hope Foundation is currently blessed to care for children in the city of Luoyang in the Henan Province of China. The children all reside at Maria’s Luoyang Hope Healing Home, and because we believe that they are made by God and are infinitely precious to Him, we comfort them every moment we get to care for them, try to relieve any suffering as much as we possibly can, and do everything we can to preserve their life here on earth.

We appreciate your interest in learning more about these precious children.

Use the button below to request access

This extra step helps to ensure that the children are well honored and protected. We will send you an email with a link to the children’s page, which includes photos and brief information about each one. From there you will be able to easily set up your sponsorship for one or more children. You can become a child’s sponsor or give a child sponsorship to someone you love.

Send your email today using the button below. Simply type Request Access in the subject line of your email and we’ll take care of the rest!

For specific details about our Child Sponsorship program, please see the relevant section further below.

Will you pray for the children in our care?

Use these links to learn more about our prayer needs and to let us know you’re praying.

About Child Sponsorship
How do I sponsor a child?

To sponsor a child, first request access to the private page. Once there, simply click on any of the children’s photos to learn more about the child and to explore different methods of donating.

What is child sponsorship through New Hope Foundation?

Child sponsorship is an opportunity for individuals to give regularly in the name of one of the children in care to benefit all of the children in care. It connects sponsors with individual children so they can learn more specifically about one child who is benefitting from their ongoing generosity.

By sponsoring a child through New Hope Foundation, you can have confidence that your gifts are used wisely to provide the greatest benefit to all the children in care. Sponsorship provides a way for you to help provide for food, shelter, medical care, love, safety, and nurture that these children need. Without generous donors, we could not continue this work.

Though it may be an “over the miles” relationship, a commitment to child sponsorship is a great way to share your love with precious children in need.

Sponsoring a child with New Hope Foundation means that you will partner with us by committing to donate at least $10 a month while we will provide you with regular updates about that child.

What can I expect as a sponsor?

Child updates are sent by email. In order to reduce costs, we do not provide printed paper updates.

Twice a year, sponsors receive a written update with at least one special photo of their sponsored child. At this time, child sponsorship updates are sent in March and September.

Out of a desire to honor and protect each child’s privacy, the focus of the child updates is on the positive aspects of the child’s daily life and not the serious medical challenges many of them face. The child updates are shared solely in an effort to provide sponsors with a glimpse of the unique beauty and dignity inherent to every child. These are in no way intended to be a complete or up-to-date substitute for referral information given by a licensed adoption agency.

In addition to the child updates, sponsors receive a welcome email at the beginning of their sponsorship period as well as notification if/when their child is no longer available for sponsorship.

Can I give a child sponsorship to someone else?

Yes, child sponsorships can be gifted to others. Send us an email at sponsorship@newhope.foundation to let us know who you would like to give this gift to. Quarterly child updates will be sent to the recipient of your gift while your donation benefits all the children.

What does it mean for a child to no longer be available for sponsorship?

Children need to leave the sponsorship program when they leave our care for adoption, if they pass away, or if they return to the Child Welfare Institutes. Other children might need to be removed from the sponsorship program for unforeseen circumstances while still remaining in our care.

When a child you are sponsoring is no longer available for sponsorship, you will be notified in a timely manner by email letting you know about the change and about the new child your sponsorship will automatically transfer over to. You will also be given the opportunity at that time to choose a different child to sponsor or to cancel the sponsorship if you prefer. If we do not hear back from you, your sponsorship will automatically move over to the new child.

When I sign up for sponsorship, how long is the commitment for?

Monthly, long-term donors provide the financial foundation for this work as we strive to provide these children with constant, secure love and care. For this reason, our sponsorships are set up to run until the sponsor chooses to discontinue their sponsorship. This also helps to lighten the load of administration.

How do I manage the sponsorship when I want to cancel or make changes?

If you want to cancel the sponsorship, update the donation amount or frequency, change the sponsored child, or have any other questions, please contact us by email at sponsorship@newhope.foundation. We are glad to assist you.

Can I sponsor more than one child?

Yes, we encourage you to sponsor as many children as you are able. We send one email update for each sponsored child.

Does the donation go directly to the sponsored child?

Donations given for child sponsorship go toward benefiting all the children in our care, including the sponsored child.

We also allow children to have more than one sponsor to help ensure that all the needs of all the children in our care are met.

Can I contact or visit a sponsored child?

Please contact us by email at sponsorship@newhope.foundation for more information about contacting or visiting a sponsored child.

I would like to adopt a child on your list. What do I do next?

We are so thankful for your desire to learn more about adoption! These children are infinitely precious and need to be in loving families. Please note that although we are not able to directly help with adoptions, and we have strict boundaries on what we are allowed to say about the children in our care, we would be glad for you to contact us by email at info@newhope.foundation for more information on adoption.

Do you have more information on who you are and how you approach caring for these children?

Please go to our About Us page to read our story and learn more about our care for these children.

Still have questions?

Please email us with any other questions you have about Child Sponsorship.