Child Spotlight: Chloe
English Name: Chloe
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Enjoys: Being the “big” sister

Chloe was admitted into the care of New Hope Foundation as an infant. A tiny bundle of joy, she was just twenty days old when she came to us. Since then she has blossomed into an amazing little toddler who is proving herself capable beyond her years.
With a wonderfully sweet disposition, Chloe is described as a happy child who is grateful for the things she receives. Although she was born with a musculoskeletal condition, it is obvious that she lets nothing hinder her. She is now walking very well and delights in playfully running away from her nannies. When she’s not doing that, you might find her throwing balls, walking up the stairs, going down the slide or jumping on the trampoline. She loves to explore and is not afraid to try new things.

Chloe definitely has a funny bone that shows up in different ways. She gets a kick out of tickling her friends, and the more they laugh, the more she laughs. She is also well noted for her many facial expressions. At just two years old, she’s already such a ham! She is not camera shy at all and seems to really enjoy having her picture taken. We love seeing all her different expressions—each one accented so beautifully by those adorable dimples!
Along with several of the other children, Chloe is currently attending preschool in the orphanage. Her caregivers remark that she’s a quick learner and usually understands what she is taught the first time through. She puts on her own shoes and is learning to feed herself as well. It’s so cute to see her clean her own face with a tissue after her meals.

As tiny as she is, Chloe acts like a big sister to the other children, and she’s often seen lending a helping hand to her nurses and nannies, too. But even though she’s learning to become more independent, she’s always ready for a warm hug and still very much enjoys being carried around.
Chloe spent time at our Beijing Hope Healing Home in the past and now lives in another of our Hope Healing Homes in Henan Province. She is adored by everyone around her. While it is a tremendous joy to have her in care, we realize that her greatest need is to be adopted into a family of her own. Won’t you please join us in praying for this darling girl?