Child Spotlight: Julia
English Name: Julia
Gender: Female
Age: 1.5 years
Enjoys: Learning new things with her nanny

Meet sweet Julia! This darling girl was born in the Henan Province in 2022 and is quickly growing into a curious and kind toddler. At a-year-and-a-half, she has become mobile and ready to take on the world!
Julia spends her days doing typical activities for a child her age such as playing with toys, listening to nursery rhymes, going for strolls with her nanny, and learning to imitate others’ actions and words. Nessa is her best friend, and they often practice copying each other’s words or sharing toys. She likes to try new foods and is not a picky eater at all. She has discovered the satisfaction of going back and forth between sweet and salty snacks—and she’s hooked!
Her nannies are her favorite people in the world, and Julia enjoys playing with and learning from them every day. She delights in running to them for praise and comfort, proudly showing them a new toy, or being rocked to sleep in their arms. One of their favorite nightly rituals is to blow kisses and say goodnight to the nurses as they head to bed!
We strive to help create healthy attachments between children and their nannies at the Hope Healing Homes, and the relationship Julia has with hers is a great testament to the heart and dedication they put into their role in the children’s lives. It’s a beautiful bond to witness!
Julia was born with congenital heart disease, and she is a fighter through and through! We’re so proud of how far she has come during her time with us, and we pray that she will continue to strengthen and thrive. Will you join us in this prayer for Julia and for all the children in our care?