Child Spotlight: Kaylee
English Name: Kaylee
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Enjoys: Pop-up toys and books with fluffy textures

Meet Kaylee! This little darling is known as one of the happiest girls at her Hope Healing Home. She is rarely without a smile and finds joy and excitement in the small things. Some of her favorite activities are playing with toys, reading books, and dressing up. She’s fascinated by pop-up toys and giggles in delight at the surprise when her nanny helps her press the button and the little animal appears. She likes all different animals, especially her favorite toy, a green plush inchworm that she holds and hugs throughout the day.
One of Kaylee’s favorite books is about farm animals with brightly colored pictures. Her nanny reads it to her and when she mimics the sounds of the animals, they both laugh and laugh. Another favorite is one about silly monsters. She likes to help turn the pages and feel the different textures of the monsters with her hands.
In the mornings, Kaylee loves getting ready for the day. Her nanny takes great care in choosing outfits and spends time brushing and styling her hair into short ponytails with colorful bows. Most often she has a smile on her face during the entire process and it’s clear she appreciates all her nanny does to care for her.
Kaylee was born with cerebral palsy, and at 4 years old, she has already shown a great deal of determination. During play, her nanny helps her practice pressing buttons, ringing bells, and turning the pages of books. Splashing in the bath is also a fun and meaningful activity! The entire staff at the Hope Healing Home is so proud of the progress she’s made, and they’re excited to see her continue to learn and grow.
It is a great joy and honor to know and love the children in our care. Little Kaylee is just one example! Through trials of difficult seasons, we hold on to the hope and promise of beauty found in brokenness. Kaylee’s cheerful spirit and resilience is a reminder of this. Will you join us in prayer and hope this season for the children in our care to continue feeling loved and cherished?