Children’s Day 2022

Jun 7, 2022


Another International Children’s Day has come and gone on the calendar. While every day is “children’s day” at New Hope Foundation, we’re really happy for this extra special day that has been set aside to honor children everywhere. The first of June gives us a good excuse to heap even more love and attention upon the precious little ones in our care and to continue to marvel at their strength, determination, and resilience.

With a history going back even beyond Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Children’s Day was birthed in the mid 1800’s out of a desire to highlight the value and worth of children, and the importance of raising them with love, nurture, and the utmost protection. The day changed over the years, and it eventually became internationally recognized—a unique day to cherish and celebrate the least (in stature) among us.

Here’s a look at the celebrations of this year’s Children’s Day at a couple of our Hope Healing Homes, including an outdoor picnic that was so much fun! The kids had a blast playing the piñata game and taking turns chillin’ in the hammock. We hope you’ll enjoy these photo galleries as much as the children enjoyed the watermelon and happy meals!