New supporter? Thank you! Please be sure to notify us directly about your gift using the contact form provided below.

Donate Direct to Bank

Our Work Relies on Private Donations

Donate by Direct Wire:

hsbc logo

Kindly let us know by email when you have made your wire transfer (or use the contact form below).


Bank:  HSBC
Account no:  502-133002-838
Branch:  Hong Kong
Address:  HSBC Main Building, 1 Queen’s Rd, Central, Hong Kong
Swift code:  HSBCHKHHHKH

We Need To Hear From You!

If you plan to make a direct wire donation, please use the form below to let us know.
Please include your contact details if you would like to hear from us.

If your donation is intended to sponsor one of our children,
we’ll need your email address and the name of the child sponsored.

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