How to Make Deductible DonationsThe New Horizons Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, public charity, organized and operating for the purpose of helping individuals accomplish their charitable objectives in religious, educational, scientific, benevolent and health related activities.
Please quote our project name in all correspondences:
New Hope Healing Homes China
By default, $100 is the lowest amount listed on the New Horizons website.
If your desired amount is less than $100, please use the “Other” option they provide.
Text to donate in the USA: Text the amount you would like to give along with our project code (HH4C) to 719-445-8383.
Please be sure to include a space between the amount and the project code as in this example: $25 HH4C
It’s that simple!
Cryptocurrency options are available as well. Please contact us if you are interested in giving this way.
To donate by check in the USA, please make your check payable to “New Horizons Foundation” and include a note with our project name “New Hope Healing Homes China.”
Please also send us an email to advise us of your donation:
Mail to:
New Horizons Foundation
ATTN New Hope Healing Homes China
731 Chapel Hills Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920