Happy Birthday Everyone!

Chinese New Year for 2024 is coming to an end! This 7-day festival is unarguably the biggest and most celebrated holiday of the year in China, and our staff goes all-out each time it rolls around to make sure that our children don’t miss out on the festivities.
There were lots of 福 characters to be seen around the Hope Healing Homes (that means “blessing” in Chinese), as well as happy dragons in bright, cheerful colors! There were even some that lit up on the inside! And of course, our little ones looked so adorable in their traditional Chinese outfits.
Did you know that the 7th day of Chinese New Year is considered everyone’s birthday in traditional Chinese culture? That’s why most Chinese people will tell you that they are such-and-such an age (based on the year of their birth in relation to Chinese New Year) even if they haven’t had their actual birthday for that year yet.
With all those “birthdays,” no wonder Chinese New Year is a huge celebration each year!
So with that in mind, we wish you a heartfelt Happy Birthday and 春节快乐 (Happy Spring Festival) as we wrap up this year’s celebrations with the sweet photos in the galleries below.