It’s Feelin’ Like Summer!

Apr 29, 2024

Ralph, Darrel, Angela, Chatwin, and Alika

A recent spring day at one of our Healing Homes turned into what felt like an early summer—the perfect time to take the children who are well enough out for some fresh air and sunshine. After a long winter mostly indoors, the kids were so excited to be outside and able to run freely around the playground!

Alika, Angela, Chatwin, Darrel, and Ralph were all over the place, running, jumping, and exploring the many different kinds of play equipment on the grounds. They had so much fun, and each one of them even mustered the courage to try the tallest slide. They discovered the thrill of going down on their backs, and some were even brave enough to try it on their stomachs!

Curtis was his usual reserved self, and although he might not have expressed it with very many smiles, we’re sure that he had a great time being out in the summer-like weather. Kane mostly hung out with his nanny and wasn’t really too sure about the whole affair at first, but he soon warmed up to all the fun and activity around him. Little Kendra enjoyed being in the middle of all the excitement while still being in the loving grasp of her nanny.

As an added bonus, many lovely flowers were in bloom and the children enjoyed their beauty and their amazing fragrances!

While not all the children in our care are able to be outside playing like this due to their medical conditions, we wanted to share these few sweet smiles with you. We hope they’ll brighten your day as they have ours!

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