Child Spotlight: Jethro
English Name: Jethro
Gender: Male
Age: 3.5 years
Enjoys: Telling stories and helping others

Meet Jethro. We are thrilled to be sharing some of his story with you! This boy has brought so much joy to the walls of our Hope Healing Home. With his eyes that disappear when he smiles, and his personality full of charm and spunk, it’s nearly impossible not to fall in love soon after meeting him. We hope to show you a glimpse of this through these photos and words!
Born in 2017 in the Henan Province, Jethro came into care as a one-and-a-half-year-old with congenital heart disease. He’s now over three-and-a-half years old, and it’s amazing to look back and see how far he’s come! His presence is one of abundant life and fun. He is described as joyful, silly, witty, precocious, and thoughtful. He is such a big helper! He spends his mornings and evenings assisting with the nurse’s rounds. He follows her to the nurseries while carrying her clipboard and handing her whatever is needed. He’s the first to volunteer to help carry in packages that have been delivered and likes to help his nannies by folding towels or clearing bottles and bowls after mealtime.

Several times a week Jethro attends preschool, where he learns numbers, colors, shapes, and listens to stories. He enjoys creating art and singing songs with his teacher. She says that he is a very funny and clever boy, and she greatly enjoys having him in class!
When not working hard in class or helping others, Jethro is a fantastic playmate! He keeps everyone busy with his love for adventure. He likes to spend time watching the neighborhood dogs play outside, going on walks with his friends to smell the flowers, or playing with his best friend Peter in the playroom. An endearing fact everyone mentions about Jethro is his love for storytelling! He is observant and involved in everything going on around him, and after he’s engaged in the moment, he will give a dramatic retelling of the event. He uses all the words he knows and enthusiastically gestures for the words he doesn’t. He loves to imitate the other children in the room and often tells his nannies everything that’s going on––even if they already witnessed it!

Jethro is a lovable, bright, and delightful boy who has won the hearts of so many. We are thankful that Jethro is so loved and cherished, and even more so for a loving God who cherishes each child in greater depths than we can imagine. We consider ourselves blessed and honored to have been a small part in his story up to this point, but our greatest desire, hope, and prayer for him is to know the love and security of a family. Will you join us in this prayer?