Sponsorship Children

Meet the Children in Our Care

Thank you for requesting to learn more about the children currently in the care of New Hope Foundation. Your interest means so much, and we are glad for the opportunity to introduce them to you.

All children shown reside at Maria’s Luoyang Hope Healing Home in the Henan Province of China.

Click on the children’s photos to learn a little more about them

Become a child’s sponsor or give a child sponsorship to someone you love!



Cyrus was born with a condition that affects his skin. Cyrus is described as cheerful, snuggly, and adored by all. He loves being held close and cuddled, but also enjoys being thrown in the air! He likes roaming around his room and will try to make a dash for the door...



Kaylee was born with cerebral palsy. She is a happy little girl with an adorable smile and darling cheeks that any grandma would be happy to squeeze! She is her happiest when she’s in the arms of one of her caregivers, and she enjoys being gently rocked to sleep. Her...



Dan was born with Down syndrome and congenital heart disease. There isn’t much that this little guy doesn’t find joy in! He is described as silly, happy, and playful. He loves being on the trampoline, and he asks every day to go and play in the playroom. He also...



Evan was born with a nervous system condition. He is a gentle and loveable little boy who wins the hearts of others as soon as they meet him. He loves being held and cuddled, and his nannies never hesitate to oblige. Although he has been through considerable...



Morgan was born with a nervous system condition. She loves to watch children's shows and flip through books to look at the pictures and characters. She also likes to look at her beautiful face in a handheld mirror. You can typically find her giving herself a big grin...



Rachel was born with cleft lip and palate. She is a gentle little girl who has a sweet and quiet disposition. Because of this, it is easy for her to get overstimulated if it’s too loud in the room with the other children. She is her happiest when she can be quiet in...



Mark was born with a nervous system condition. He has faced many challenges in his young life yet has shown perseverance and tenacity. He is a sweet boy whose smiles and smirks could melt any heart though he keeps them hidden most of the time. He often likes to be...



Keegan was born with cerebral palsy. He is happiest when listening to music, and if he can be in the ball pit while doing so, life is good! He also loves to stroll outside when the weather is nice. He shows his excitement through happy squeals, bouncing up and down on...



Clint was born with a nervous system disorder. We have been blessed to care for Clint for quite some time and are delighted to share more of his story with you. His big sparkly eyes have pierced the hearts of many, and his calm demeanor brings the feeling of peace to...



Enoree was born with cerebral palsy. She is a precious girl whose radiant smile brings joy to those around her. She has a sweet, gentle nature and is a delight to her caregivers. She loves being held and surrounded with colorful objects. Familiar faces and sounds are...



Cheska was born with cerebral palsy. She is a spunky and silly young girl who takes her naps very seriously. She loves a good midday sleep, and her nannies know just the right time to give her a blanket and gently pat her back while she drifts off to dreamland. She is...



Lewis was born with cerebral palsy. He is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy who easily charms others with his beautiful smile and joyful personality. His joy is infectious! He enjoys propping himself up to relax on the soft playmats at times, but he prefers a beanbag for...



Kirsten was born with cerebral palsy. She is a happy girl who manages to charm everyone she meets with her wide and beautiful smile. It truly lights up the room wherever she is! She often giggles when her nannies brush and braid her hair, and she always flashes her...



Zelda was born with cerebral palsy. Her nannies describe her as adorable and sweet. And no wonder. She is happy and so smiley! She finds great comfort in being held and cuddled, preferring always to be in the arms of a caregiver rather than the playmats or beanbags....



McCaleb was born with a nervous system condition, cleft lip, and cleft palate. We have had the privilege of caring for McCaleb for many years and we’re in awe of his resilience. He has faced many challenges in his life and has a deep strength that keeps him going. He...



Kent was born with cerebral palsy. He’s joyfully happy, inquisitive, and adorable! He is strong and shows great resilience and determination. He has become very mobile and enjoys taking strolls down the hallways or driving toy cars. He is fascinated with music and...



Rodney was born with cerebral palsy and a nervous system condition. He has a wide smile and contagious laugh when played with. His laughs come from way down deep! He is content in the Healing Home, and he loves to be held and talked to. When engaging with Rodney, you...



Ryan was born with a severe gastrointestinal disorder and possible autism. He’s an active boy who loves to stroll around the room while holding hands with his nanny or nurse. He is curious and enjoys looking out the windows at the trees or people or cars passing by....



Felicity was born with cerebral palsy. She is a sweet and beautiful child with a contagious laugh. She is described as a delightfully friendly little girl. She loves her favorite toy doll and is content to spend much time cuddling her tiny friend and confidant. She...



Ivy was born with cerebral palsy. This happy girl is quick to smile and give a giggle when she hears her name called. She gets so much joy out of a simple pleasure! She likes listening to music and watching the entertainment of other children. She loves to watch TV...



Jerald was born with cerebral palsy. He is a happy young boy, and you can see it often in his radiant smile. His favorite part of the day is bathtime; the warm water and soothing sounds bring him great joy. His nanny talks sweetly to him while bathing him, and...



Brianna was born with cerebral palsy. We have been caring for her since she was very young, and it has been our joy to watch her blossom into such a beautiful, strong, and sweet girl. She has the most infectious smile and laugh when someone walks in the door and calls...



Faith was born with cerebral palsy and hypothyroidism. She is a delightful addition to our Hope Healing Home, and although she does not readily give smiles often, we know she is happy and content in her surroundings. She likes to lounge in her favorite bean bag chair...



Gloria was born with cerebral palsy. She is a gentle and happy soul who is at peace in her surroundings. She really enjoys being entertained by her nurses and nannies through talk and song, and her absolute favorite time of day is bathtime! Whether it’s the soothing...



David was born with cerebral palsy. He is an extremely kind and gentle young boy who has a deep strength within him. He is content in his surroundings and enjoys his own calm space while resting, but he also loves to be spoken to and shown great attention. He always...



Jane was born with cerebral palsy. She is a gentle soul who smiles brightly when being entertained by the other children. She has the most serene and adorable smile! She has been through so many challenges in her young life, but she is brave and resilient. She likes...



Jacob was born with cerebral palsy. He is a sweet boy who is very curious about his surroundings. Two of his favorite things are the mobiles that have bright colors and toys that make sound. He loved interacting with them! When he's not being held by his nanny, he...



Dominic was born with cerebral palsy. He is a sweet and happy young boy who is content in his surroundings. He enjoys exploring and experiencing the different textures of sensory toys and even his own clothes. He is comfiest when resting in his big bean bag, but also...



Isaiah was born with cerebral palsy. He has a charming personality and he captures everyone around him with his sweet smile. He is a strong, resilient, and happy young boy. We love his contagious smile and deep belly laughs. He likes the outdoors and is curious about...



Jackson was born with cerebral palsy. His smile brightens the entire room whenever someone walks in and says his name. He enjoys listening to stories and to music. He likes to walk outside while his nanny is pushing his stroller, and he’s very curious about his...



Mitchel was born with cerebral palsy. His favorite thing to do is to sit in his big bean bag, and he loves to be played with. He laughs so hard when he is at his happiest and his smiles and laughter bring joy to everyone in his room. Mitchel has faced many challenges...



Lucy was born with cerebral palsy. She is known as an adorable and bright young girl. She shows her strength by rolling over easily and sitting strong in a Bumbo chair. She likes to watch TV and listen to her nanny read storybooks as she looks at the pictures. She has...