Child Spotlight: Jackson

Child Spotlight: Jackson

Meet Jackson! If you have followed us for a while, you may recognize him, or maybe you’ve even met him! You would not have forgotten because his one-of-a-kind smile is nearly impossible to forget. We met Jackson when he was one year old, and it’s hard to believe that he’s officially a “teen” and one of the coolest kids around. Watching him grow over the years has been a pleasure…

A Mother’s Day Tribute

A Mother’s Day Tribute

In honor of Mother’s Day this year, we wanted to share with you some of the insights of a few of the “mothers” of New Hope. Our nannies are really the heartbeat of this work, playing a crucial role in the daily lives of the children and supporting the efforts of our medical staff in hopes of achieving the best possible outcome for each child. It is not an exaggeration to say that we could not possibly do…

Meet Our Staff: Ednalyn

Meet Our Staff: Ednalyn

Friday is International Nurses Day so this is the perfect time to highlight another of our beloved children’s nurses, Ednalyn, whom we call Eds. New Hope Foundation has been blessed with a team of wonderful nurses who love and care for the children so well, and we’re sure that you will enjoy reading about Eds’ journey and experiences during her time with us…

Hope for Easter

Hope for Easter

We are so thankful for the wonderful nurses of New Hope! While we’ve given them a special shout-out at different times during the last three years or so, enough can’t be said about their dedication to the children and their ongoing sacrifices for them. They have gone above and beyond to see that the children’s needs are always met, that their lives and daily routines could remain as…

Child Spotlight: Pammy

Child Spotlight: Pammy

Today is World Down Syndrome Day, and we would love to introduce you to one of our little ones who has an extra chromosome and teaches us new ways to love and laugh every day! Meet Pammy! This cutie is bright, fun, curious, and sweet, all wrapped up in a two-and-a-half-year-old bundle of joy! We are thrilled to shine a spotlight on this little girl who has been in our care since…

Child Spotlight: Sandrino

Child Spotlight: Sandrino

Meet Sandrino. If you’ve been following us for a while, you may have seen his sweet smile before! We’re thrilled to be sharing more of his story with you. Sandrino first came to us at just one-month-old with a gastrointestinal condition. Now he is a curious, joyful, ambitious five-year-old, with a personality that…