Stories of Hope
New Hope Foundation Blog
Check out our favorite stories from volunteers, team members, and adoptive families, as well as child spotlights and special photo posts.

Lots of Rest and Children Blessed!
Another year has passed on the lunar calendar, and a new year has begun. For us, this means that Chinese New Year is in full swing at Maria’s Luoyang Hope Healing Home! Chinese New Year, also called the Spring Festival, is the biggest holiday in China by far and is celebrated for seven straight days. Traditionally…

Child Spotlight: Kaylee
Meet Kaylee! This little darling is known as one of the happiest girls at her Hope Healing Home. She is rarely without a smile and finds joy and excitement in the small things. Some of her favorite activities are playing with toys, reading books, and dressing up. She’s fascinated by pop-up toys…

The Bitter and the Sweet, Part 2
We have more bittersweet news to share with you in that we have had to say goodbye to four more of our dear nurses, including our Chief Nursing Officer, Jona. Changes in regulations in our host country have left us with no other options. These new requirements have come upon us suddenly and certainly have the potential to leave us feeling rather blindsided…

The Bitter and the Sweet
International Nurses Day is a bittersweet occasion for us this year. We have several nurses on our staff, and we certainly want to acknowledge them all and give them the recognition they deserve on this special day. We notice their sacrifices and how they routinely go the extra mile for the children, and we hope they know…

It’s Feelin’ Like Summer!
A recent spring day at one of our Healing Homes turned into what felt like an early summer—the perfect time to take the children who are well enough out for some fresh air and sunshine. After a long winter mostly indoors, the kids were so excited to be outside and able to run freely around the playground…

Bright Eyes, Bright Smile, Bright Future
Impact: Nessa came to us as a bright-eyed one-year-old who was eventually going to need two different types of surgeries. We immediately fell in love with her sweet demeanor and were very grateful for the opportunity to provide her with specialized medical care, to meet her day-to-day needs, and to give her much love to help her…

The Perfect Day to Double Down
Today is World Down Syndrome Day! To celebrate and honor this day, we are delighted to highlight two incredible and precious members of the New Hope Foundation family, Kara and Kendra. Some of their commonalities include the fact that both of their names start with a K…

Happy Birthday Everyone!
Chinese New Year for 2024 is coming to an end! This 7-day festival is unarguably the biggest and most celebrated holiday of the year in China, and our staff goes all-out each time it rolls around to make sure that our children don’t miss out on the festivities…

Child Spotlight: Chatwin
Chatwin came to us when he was just one month old in 2020. During the trying times of the pandemic, this sweet little bundle brought so much joy to the caretakers and other children. Over the past few years, we have watched him grow into a precocious, friendly, and loving 3-year-old…

A Christmas Festival of Lights
It might be cliché, but we really do think Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year—especially at our Hope Healing Homes! This year did not disappoint. (And yes, technically it was last year.) There was no shortage of laughter and silliness and just a whole lot of Christmas cheer!

Child Spotlight: Julia
Meet sweet Julia! This darling girl was born in the Henan Province in 2022 and is quickly growing into a curious and kind toddler. At a-year-and-a-half, she has become mobile and ready to take on the world! Julia spends her days doing typical activities for a child her age…

Child Spotlight: Colin
Meet Colin! This happy kid is nearing his 4th birthday, but in the meantime, he’s enjoying every bit of being 3! He is an affectionate boy who loves to be held, cuddled, and hugged. Even when there is a chair around, he will still choose to sit in the lap of a loved one. His sweet tooth is as sweet as he is, and when it’s time for…

Tiny Soakers and Puddle Jumpers
Fall may have arrived on the calendar and summer technically come to an end, but that hasn’t stopped the children in our Hope Healing Homes from continuing to have lots of outdoor fun. Pleasant temperatures have made it possible for them to keep playing outside and we have loved watching their antics!

Child Spotlight: Esmond
Meet our newest child-in-the-spotlight, Esmond! This cutie is often referred to as a “cuddle bug.” He is quick to express love to his caregivers by slowly sneaking up behind them and hugging them tightly or laying his head on their backs. We think this is just so precious and shows his beautiful soul. Esmond is also quite an entertaining little guy, pulling lots of silly facial expressions to make his nurses laugh…

Child Spotlight: Lorenza
Meet Lorenza! This darling girl has been in our care since 2017. From the moment she entered our doors, we knew there was something special about her! She has the most expressive sparkly eyes that always tell you she knows exactly what’s going on. Her adorable freckles and the way she wrinkles her nose when she laughs can melt any heart!

Child Spotlight: Jackson
Meet Jackson! If you have followed us for a while, you may recognize him, or maybe you’ve even met him! You would not have forgotten because his one-of-a-kind smile is nearly impossible to forget. We met Jackson when he was one year old, and it’s hard to believe that he’s officially a “teen” and one of the coolest kids around. Watching him grow over the years has been a pleasure…

A Mother’s Day Tribute
In honor of Mother’s Day this year, we wanted to share with you some of the insights of a few of the “mothers” of New Hope. Our nannies are really the heartbeat of this work, playing a crucial role in the daily lives of the children and supporting the efforts of our medical staff in hopes of achieving the best possible outcome for each child. It is not an exaggeration to say that we could not possibly do…

Meet Our Staff: Ednalyn
Friday is International Nurses Day so this is the perfect time to highlight another of our beloved children’s nurses, Ednalyn, whom we call Eds. New Hope Foundation has been blessed with a team of wonderful nurses who love and care for the children so well, and we’re sure that you will enjoy reading about Eds’ journey and experiences during her time with us…

Hope for Easter
We are so thankful for the wonderful nurses of New Hope! While we’ve given them a special shout-out at different times during the last three years or so, enough can’t be said about their dedication to the children and their ongoing sacrifices for them. They have gone above and beyond to see that the children’s needs are always met, that their lives and daily routines could remain as…

Child Spotlight: Pammy
Today is World Down Syndrome Day, and we would love to introduce you to one of our little ones who has an extra chromosome and teaches us new ways to love and laugh every day! Meet Pammy! This cutie is bright, fun, curious, and sweet, all wrapped up in a two-and-a-half-year-old bundle of joy! We are thrilled to shine a spotlight on this little girl who has been in our care since…

Child Spotlight: Sandrino
Meet Sandrino. If you’ve been following us for a while, you may have seen his sweet smile before! We’re thrilled to be sharing more of his story with you. Sandrino first came to us at just one-month-old with a gastrointestinal condition. Now he is a curious, joyful, ambitious five-year-old, with a personality that…

Spring Festival 2023
Did you know that what we commonly call “Chinese New Year” is also known as 春节 (Chūn jié)? 春节 literally translates to “Spring Festival.” The holiday marks both the beginning of a new lunar year and the start of spring—though in many places it hardly feels spring-like at the moment! In fact, some of the children in our Hope Healing Homes…

What a Joyous Season!
It’s Christmastime again, and the Hope Healing Homes are filled with as much joy and merriment as they can muster! The past few years have held many trials for our staff and organization, and throughout it all, the resilience shown by the children, and the love and care from our staff and supporters have kept us hopeful…

Child Spotlight: Kirsten
Meet Kirsten! This joyful girl was brought into our care in 2019. Born in 2013 with cerebral palsy, she has overcome many obstacles in her young life. She is incredibly brave at heart and continues to teach us about the most important things in life. We are so blessed to know and care for her…

Child Spotlight: Jonathan (Update)
We are thrilled to be sharing part two of our updated twin spotlights with you! It’s Jonathan’s turn in the spotlight, which is exactly his favorite place to be! If Rafael takes the role of “big brother,” Jonathan fits comfortably into the role of “baby brother.” He is full of personality, spunk, and fire! This boy lives his life…

Child Spotlight: Rafael (Update)
We’re thrilled to be able to bring you updated and individualized spotlights on the twins, Rafael and Jonathan! Their first spotlight was back in 2019 when they were not yet even two years old, and now, just newly turned five, you can imagine how much they’ve grown. Since they have developed such unique personalities…

End-of-Summer Antics
It’s hard to believe but this summer is drawing to a close, and there’s been a lot of activity at the Hope Healing Homes! Our staff has been busy capturing all that’s going on so we can share the love with you. Being outside is what summer’s all about, and some of the children have really enjoyed romping through the grass…

A Mother’s Heart in Nanjing
Linda Huang is an exceptional woman who runs an organization that cares for orphaned children with severe special needs. Sound familiar? That’s because her work is very similar to ours, and New Hope Foundation has partnered with the Nanjing Rainbow Center in Nanjing since late 2016 up until just recently…

Child Spotlight: Lakambini (Update)
We are thrilled to share an updated Child Spotlight on Lakambini! If you’ve been following us for a while, we’re sure you’ve seen this sweet girl around! “Lakambini” is a Filipino name given to her by her nurses. Our sweet girl has continued to grow and learn about the world as an independent 5-year-old…

Making a Splash!
Nothing says “summer” like a day at the pool! Temperatures have climbed in Henan Province, making it the perfect opportunity for our children to get outside to have a wet-and-wonderfully good time! The kiddy pool was the center of all the fun, and the kids had a blast wading in the water, splashing each other, getting drenched…

Child Spotlight: Igor
Meet Igor! This little guy was born in the Henan Province in 2019. It has been our deepest honor to watch him grow, learn, and blossom into such a kind and silly toddler. Each milestone is an incredible moment to behold at the Hope Healing Homes, and we have been fortunate to witness…

Children’s Day 2022
Another International Children’s Day has come and gone on the calendar. While every day is “children’s day” at New Hope Foundation, we’re really happy for this extra special day that has been set aside to honor children everywhere. The first of June gives us a good excuse to heap even more love and attention upon…

Child Spotlight: Daphne
This bright-eyed girl is the one and only, Daphne! We are thrilled to share some of her story with you! Daphne came into our care just over a year ago, and we have loved getting to know her sweet personality. At five years old and full of curiosity, she is known to be observant, cheerful, and enthusiastic! She enjoys…

Early Spring Fun at the Hope Healing Homes
If you’re familiar with New Hope Foundation, you know that our purpose and great joy is to provide a nurturing, home-like setting for the children in our care. We delight in the fact that we can offer them a loving, secure environment, along with many of the normalcies of childhood play and learning…

Child Spotlight: Eudora
Meet Eudora! This sweet girl came into our care in 2021, and ever since her arrival she has brought peaceful joy into her Hope Healing Home. Her nurses say that she is most content when she snuggles up close to her nanny and falls asleep in her arms. Her smile peeks through whenever her nanny…

Child Spotlight: Roswell
It’s World Down Syndrome Day (3/21), and what better way to share in the celebration than to introduce you to our sweet friend, Roswell! Roswell is three years old and full of all the goodness and sweetness he can muster. He has a wonderful attachment to his nanny and loves to be near her side…

Child Spotlight: Quianna
Meet Quianna! This precious girl is all smiles and has the sweetest heart. We have been blessed to watch her grow into the amazing 10-year-old she is now! Quianna is described as a girl who loves life and is always smiling. She finds happiness in music, hugs, and warm baths. Her favorite toy…

Chinese New Year 2022
Xīn nián kuài lè! 新年快乐! Happy New Year! from all of us at New Hope Foundation! As you’ve probably seen from our recent newsletter and social media posts, the children have been in full celebration mode at the Hope Healing Homes! It’s been a blur of cuteness overload…

Child Spotlight: Roderick
Meet Roderick! This is a fun-loving little guy we can’t wait to introduce you to! He is growing more curious and independent by the day, but still has a sweet innocence when he curls up in his nanny’s lap before bedtime. He loves to play with musical instruments—piano, drums, and microphones…

Meet Our Staff: Danice
We recently caught up with children’s nurse Danice and asked her about some of her experiences working for New Hope Foundation and caring for these precious children. Danice, like so many people around the world these last couple of years, has been impacted by the pandemic…

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Christmastime at the Hope Healing Homes is one of our most anticipated occasions! This year our staff went above and beyond to make the holiday special for the children. Donning Santa hats, festive outfits and fun accessories, the children looked especially cute…

Child Spotlight: Alika
Alika came to us in 2020—immediately filling the Hope Healing Home with her vibrant personality and joy. She’s described as vivacious and full of spunk. Born in 2015, she is at an age where life is full of wonder! She is inquisitive and bright and loves to use her imagination…

Child Spotlight: Kent
Meet Kent! We are thrilled to introduce you to this wonderful boy. Kent came into our care in the summer of 2019 and immediately won over the hearts of his caretakers. He is known to give the absolute best hugs, which are often described as being similar to a koala bear when he wraps his arms and legs…

Cupcakes, Costumes, and Tons of Fun!
Here at New Hope Foundation, we strive to provide an environment for the children in our Healing Homes that is as close to a real home as possible, and the celebration of holidays and special seasons is no exception. Recently, our amazing staff pulled out all the stops and put together…

Far Beyond Nursing
We just had to take a moment to gush about our incredible nursing staff at New Hope Foundation! Here’s a “behind-the-scenes” look into some of the areas of work they have stepped into over the past year-and-a-half. They are the “boots on the ground” at our organization…

Celebrating the Upside of Down
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and we’re super excited to give special attention to some of the very special children in our care! Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal condition, and it is said to occur in about one in 700 births. Babies with Down syndrome…

Gone Fishin’
Recently, at one of our Hope Healing Homes, some of our nurses and nannies, along with many of the children, were seemingly nowhere to be found! Well, as it turned out, there was actually no cause for alarm. They had simply gone fishin’ while the weather was still warm…

Child Spotlight: Sisa
Meet Sisa! She is beautiful both inside and out, and we are so blessed to know and love her. She is described as a joy to be around. She is shy toward new friends, but those who know her will say that her personality shines brightly around her friends! She’s fiercely independent and shows great maturity…

A Family’s Heart
With a sincere desire to help us as we seek to overcome the funding challenges we are currently facing, the Barrett Family from California has put together an amazing video story that expresses their heart toward the work we do and the beauty of family. The Barretts have adopted three precious little ones from China…

Child Spotlight: Quinn
Meet Quinn! He’s an adorable, expressive little boy whom we’ve had the privilege of knowing since he was just a few weeks old. Now, at the age of two, we’re happy to share with you how well he’s doing in our care! In many ways, Quinn is a typical toddler: spunky, curious, seeking independence…

Child Spotlight: Maisie
Maisie is a happy, clever, and lovable three-year-old. We are so happy to introduce you to her by sharing some of her story, along with some very sweet photos! Maisie is known to be an energetic girl with a zest for life. When given the opportunity to run around the Hope Healing Home…

Meet Our Staff: Alyssa
I started working for Robin and Joyce in March of 2016. The main reason I wished to work at NHF was because of financial need and the curiosity of what it would be like taking care of kids with special medical conditions which I had only read about in books…

Child Spotlight: Clara
This precious girl is Clara. She has captured the hearts of many people, and we’re so happy for the opportunity to introduce her to you! Clara is described as having an outgoing and bubbly personality. At two-and-a-half years old, she’s becoming more independent and curious…

Children’s Day 2021
June 1st is a special day dedicated to treasuring the little ones who make life so rich. It is International Children’s Day. New Hope Foundation is “rich” beyond compare because we have the great privilege of loving and caring for nearly 200 precious little gems…

Child Spotlight: Jethro
Meet Jethro. We are thrilled to be sharing some of his story with you! This boy has brought so much joy to the walls of our Hope Healing Home. With his eyes that disappear when he smiles, and his personality full of charm and spunk, it’s nearly impossible not to fall in love…

Child Spotlight: Dan
Meet Dan! Dan is often endearingly referred to as “Baby Dan,” and he is a bundle of snuggles and giggles. He is adored by all, and we feel so blessed to know and love him. Dan came into our care at just three weeks old, and we have had the privilege of watching him grow…

Springtime at the Hope Healing Homes
The children and staff have been soaking up the warmer weather and enjoying the beautiful blossoms! Our wonderful nurses have done it yet again, by capturing the joy of the children through wonderful photographs. Their talent doesn’t stop there, as they have also created…

Child Spotlight: Judy-Alexis
Judy-Alexis is known for having a big personality that lights up the room! She is curious, bright, witty, and extremely silly. She’s also kind, helpful, and sweet. Her favorite part of the day is when she goes to preschool. In class, she enjoys doing art projects, singing songs, and learning…

Adoption Update: Paxton and Levi
“Five years ago, we made a decision that would forever transform our hearts, our lives, and our family. We started the process of adopting from China. Now, we are a family of four with two precious, adventurous, loving little boys! Both of our boys were in the care of New Hope Foundation throughout…

Child Spotlight: Galvis (Update)
You may remember Galvis from a previous Child Spotlight we featured in the fall of 2019. Well, it‘s been awhile, and we’re thrilled to give an update on him! In the previous Spotlight, we introduced you to a spunky little two-year-old full of giggles. Now, he has grown into a curious, kind…

Child Spotlight: Shayla (Update)
You may remember Shayla from her previous Spotlight post! Shayla, as always, is a joy to love and care for. We met her when she came into care at nearly 2 years old, and it has been an honor to watch her grow into the beautiful and sweet girl we now have the blessing…

Child Spotlight: Enoree
Enoree is a little princess whose radiant smile lights up the entire room. We had the great blessing of welcoming her into care when she was just twenty-one days old. Since that time, we’ve enjoyed watching her grow into the sweet little lady she is today…

Fall Fun at the Hope Healing Homes
Thanks to our wonderful nurses turned event coordinators (and photographers), our children had a fabulously fun-filled time of trick-or-treating, gobbling goodies, and dressing up in all kinds of amazing costumes. There were pumpkins, princesses, a panda bear, and so much more…

Child Spotlight: Chloe
Chloe was admitted into the care of New Hope Foundation as an infant. A tiny bundle of joy, she was just twenty days old when she came to us. Since then she has blossomed into an amazing little toddler who is proving herself capable beyond her years…

Meet Our Staff: Gina
In 2007, I came to China and started working for NHF as a nurse. That was my very first time to leave the Philippines and work overseas. I didn’t know the language, and NHF sent someone to pick me up at the airport. They helped me to adapt in whatever way they could…

Child Spotlight: Peter
Peter has grown into a persistent “little man,” full of energy and described by his nurses as “always happy.” Their description of him is readily verifiable, too. Just about whenever and wherever you meet him, Peter is quick to blow kisses and his smile comes easy…

Meet Our Staff: Jona
At first, I was just looking for a hospital to work for after graduation until my sister, who was already working in Beijing at that time, told me about New Hope Foundation and the work they were doing. So I sent out my application through email and they said…

Child Spotlight: Oriel
Oriel is an energetic toddler with a radiant smile who loves to play with our other children. She loves her nannies very much, too, and is adoringly attached to them. She is happy and content to interact with others as long as one of her nannies is close at hand. Oriel can often be heard…

Who Would Have Guessed?
New Hope Foundation finds itself at the cusp of a new season. A season where we can look back with gratitude for what God has done, where we can look at the present and see His provision and where we can look ahead with HOPE…

Adoption Update: Ellis
“Nearly 11 years ago, I boarded a plane for China and brought this beautiful 3-year-old girl into my life. Born with spina bifida and sent to a palliative care unit in the city of Jiaozuo, Henan province to die in peace, New Hope Foundation intervened…

Children’s Day 2020
On this Children’s Day—and every day—we celebrate the young lives that have been graciously entrusted into our care. Celebrate with us the cute, the adorable and the sometimes goofy kiddos we’re so grateful to call our own!

Child Spotlight: Kenny
Hello! My name is Kenny and I was born in 2017 in the Henan province of China. I was born with a gastrointestinal condition. I was first admitted into the care of New Hope Foundation in early 2018 when I was just two months old. As you can guess…

Meet Our Staff: Becca
Today we take a turn from our nursing staff to showcase a team member of many talents, Rebecca Shook. From teaching to storytelling to accounting, Rebecca has worn many hats and has done a little bit of everything during her tenure at New Hope…

Meet Our Staff: April
We trust you’re enjoying the opportunity to get to know a few of the wonderful people who make up our staff through these regular posts. Given the current month we’re in, we thought it only fitting to turn our spotlight on another of our loving nurses whose name is—yes, you guessed it—April…

Passing the Time During COVID-19
As we shared in our most recent newsletter, our Care Centers have been and continue to be under lock-down to protect our children and, thanks be to God, we have not had any positive COVID-19 cases within our facilities…

Meet Our Staff: Jeanky
Today we introduce another of our frontline team members, Jeanky. She has the distinction of being the youngest member of our nursing staff. She came to New Hope Foundation in April 2014—fresh out of nursing school and hardly more…

Child Spotlight: Zelda
Hello! My name is Zelda and I was born in 2013 in the Henan province of China. I was born with a cleft lip, cleft palate and a nervous system condition. I was first admitted into the care of New Hope Foundation when I was just one month old and…

Meet Our Staff: Krishtel
Today we want to share the story of one of our team members who lovingly cares for our children—and continues to do so even now in spite of this present threat. She is our fun-loving nurse, Krishtel. She’s worked for us…

Happy Chinese New Year
We’ve been busy celebrating Chinese New Year as the Year of the Rat has just scampered in! Everywhere you look—inside and out—there are beautiful decorations of red and gold, and lots of cute little mice…

Child Spotlight: Winslow
Hello! I’m Winslow and I was born in 2011 in the Henan province of China. I came into this world with a condition of my nervous system, and I was admitted into the care of New Hope Foundation when I was just over two years old…

A New Season of Hope
An exciting transition has taken place here at New Hope Foundation with the (semi) retirement of our founders, Dr. Joyce and Robin Hill, and the installment of Steve Nelson Martin, Jr., MD as CEO. In case you’ve missed our last couple of newsletters…

Christmas at the Care Centers
Christmas at our Care Centers is always a joyous time, and this year was no exception! There was lots of laughter and good cheer as we handed out presents to our nannies and sang Christmas carols for the kids. We…

Meet Our Staff: Bai Xue (Summer)
Bai Xue is one of many wonderful nurses employed by New Hope Foundation, and today we shine our spotlight on her. Nurse Xue goes by the English name Summer, which is rather amusing as the literal translation of her Chinese name is “white snow.” She…

Volunteer Story: The Bartons
We have had the absolute privilege of volunteering with New Hope Foundation on three different occasions over the last few years. We have assisted with preschool classes, pool time, playtime in nurseries, scrapbooking pages for the children’s life…

Adoption Update: Mary Katherine
From Mary Katherine’s parents: We are so humbled by the genuine love and medical care Mary Katherine received from her nannies during her time at New Hope. They truly are the hands and feet of Jesus. This life-saving gift will never be lost on us. We…

Child Spotlight: Pirena
My name is Pirena and I was born in the Henan province of China in 2017. Nice to meet you! From what I understand, Pirena is a Filipino name. That’s pretty cool, huh? The “Pi” is pronounced like “pit” (without the “t,” of course) and the “re” is…

Meet Our Staff: Millie
Well over a decade-and-a-half ago, a young lady in Beijing was asked to assist in finding nannies for an organization dedicated to helping medically fragile orphaned infants. The organization was, of course, New Hope Foundation, and in July of 2003,…

Volunteer Story: Annie
I volunteered at New Hope as a preschool teacher for children aged two to nine years old. I taught them the English alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors using a variety of activities including songs, dance, and hands-on crafts. These children brought…

Adoption Update: Caroline
It is hard to believe that over four years have passed since we were in China! We are forever grateful to the staff and nannies that provided life-sustaining medical care and much love and nurture to Caroline (known as “Mary” in Beijing) for the first…

Child Spotlight: Crispin
My name is Crispin. I was born in 2017 in the Henan province of China. The Chinese called 2017 the Year of the Rooster—and not just any rooster, mind you. It was the year of the fire rooster! That might explain a lot. I was born prematurely, and I am…

Meet Our Staff: Linda
This is the third installment in our triple-header opening of this topic, Meet Our Staff. Today we introduce Li Guo Lan. We call her by her English name, Linda. Along with Xiao Li and Xiao Juan, she is the third individual who has been with New Hope…

Volunteer Story: Freya
I volunteered at New Hope for three months during the end of 2018. To say that it has changed my life is an understatement. Love, hope, faith and courage fill those walls more than I ever thought possible. I walked in those doors in September and…

Adoption Update: Steven
From Steven’s parents: Steven has been home for almost 3 years. He is hilarious and loves to snuggle. He loves his 4 siblings something fierce. Despite many surgeries since coming home, he is growing and thriving and will be starting first grade in…

Child Spotlight: Galvis
Hello! My name is Galvis and I had my second birthday this past summer. I was born in 2017 in the Henan province of China. I was born with Spina Bifida, and when I was just two-and-a-half months old, I was admitted into the care of New Hope Foundation….

Meet Our Staff: Xiao Juan
We told you in a recent post about the first of three people who have been an integral part of this work from the very beginning. Now we’d like to introduce you to the second among those three, Yang Ya Juan. Xiao Juan is the nickname she goes by, but…

Volunteer Story: Joyce
My 7 months at New Hope were some of the most memorable and rewarding of my entire life. I arrived in September 2017 jet-lagged and relatively unaware of what I was getting myself into. Although I was a total stranger to them, the kids were so excited…

Adoption Update: Jie
Jie is such an amazing little guy! He’s kind, loving, mischievous, and determined with a silly sense of humor. We’ve discovered he has a little bit of daredevil side-he loves to climb and ride his plasma car (bike) fast. His upper body strength is…

Meet Our Staff: Xiao Li
Those of you familiar with the story of New Hope Foundation will likely know that there were three special Chinese individuals who helped Robin and Dr. Joyce Hill launch this work. This is the story of one of them.Li Meng, who we affectionately call…

Child Spotlight: Deleila
Hi, my name is Deleila and I’m 3 years old. I am from the Henan Province and I was born with an eye condition. I was admitted into the care of one of New Hope Foundation’s Care Centers in September of 2016 as a chubby little 3.5-month-old. Deleila,…

Adoption Update: Zanden
From Zanden’s parents: We cannot begin to fully express how thankful we are for the care our son received at NHF, it would just be inadequate. Our hearts are full with love for the women who have loved our baby boy so well as if he were their own. Many…